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Legislative Hearing

Legislative Hearing on S. 2802, S. 1264, S. 439

Date: April 28, 2005
Time: 2:15 PM
Location: SD
Room: 628

S. 2802, A bill to settle land claims within the Fort Hall Reservation; S. 1264 A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to assess the irrigation infrastructure of the Pine River Indian Irrigation Project in the State of Colorado and provide grants to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe to assess, repair, rehabilitate, or reconstruct existing infrastructure, and for other purposes; S. 439 A bill to provide for and promote the economic development of Indian Tribes by furnishing the necessary capital, financial services, and technical assistance to Indian-owned business enterprises, to stimulate the development of the private sector of Indian tribal economies, and for other purposes.


Mr.  Alan  Parker
The Honorable  W. Ron  Allen
The Honorable  Alonzo A.  Coby
Mr.  Marion P.  Walker
The Honorable  Matthew J.  Box
Ms  Lena  Atencio