
Republican Internships & Fellowships

The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs republican staff accepts applications for internships and fellowships throughout the year.

Internships are offered for the spring, summer, and fall terms. Intern applicants must have completed at least one year of study in an institution of higher education, and have an interest in American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian issues. Intern responsibilities may include: hearing preparation; legislative and policy research; memorandum drafting; constituent correspondence; monitoring and compiling daily news coverage; and administrative tasks.

Legal fellowships are also offered to applicants who are current law students or recent graduates of a J.D. program. Fellow responsibilities may include: legislative and legal research; drafting of legislation, hearing materials or amicus briefs; and assisting Counsel and committee staff on various assignments.

The internship and fellowship program provides an immersive experience learning the complexities of the federal legislative process and the oversight and investigative roles of the Committee. Each intern and fellow are expected to work full-time and will be provided with a monthly stipend to aid with expenses of living in Washington, D.C.

Applicants from Chairman Murkowski’s home state of Alaska, students studying at an Alaskan institution of higher education, students studying Native American/American Indian studies or Federal Indian law, or applicants of Native affiliation are encouraged to apply.

Interested applicants should send in one email the following documents—a cover letter, resume, writing sample, and three references to: Rep_Internship@indian.senate.gov

Please submit an application prior to the deadline of your requested term.

Intern/Fellow Application Deadlines

For the spring term (January to April): October 31st

For the summer term (May to August): March 31st

For the fall term (September to December): June 30th