June 23, 2011

Chairman Akaka Introduces Bill to Improve Native Education

Washington D.C. –
Today U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii), Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, introduced a bill to improve the education of Native people, the Native Culture, Language and Access for Success in Schools (Native CLASS) Act. 
“In many regions of our country, Native students suffer from the lowest graduation rates and poorest academic performance,” said Chairman Akaka. “This comprehensive bill outlines a new vision of education built on Native priorities. As a former teacher, principal and administrator, I know the power that integrating culture and increasing access to opportunities can have in improving outcomes for our Native students. To build a successful future for our Native communities, we must start with success in our schools.”
The Native CLASS Act (S. 1262) contains a comprehensive set of provisions that address language and culture-based education, local control and parental involvement, and teacher training and development.
The legislation is co-sponsored by Senators Tim Johnson (D-North Dakota) and Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii).
The full bill text is available here: LINK
Chairman Akaka’s statement in the Congressional Record is available here: LINK
Contact: Jesse Broder Van Dyke
Contact Phone: 202-224-7045
Contact E-mail: jesse_brodervandyke@akaka.senate.gov
