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September 10, 2009

Dorgan and Barrasso Release Concept Paper on Indian Energy and Energy Efficiency


Last Congress, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs held a hearing on the efforts of Indian tribes to unlock the potential of their energy resources. Since this hearing, and through ongoing discussions with Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and energy partners, the Committee identified three major barriers to Indian energy development: (1) outdated laws and cumbersome regulations for tribal energy development and programs; (2) lack of tribal access to the transmission grid; and (3) difficulty in obtaining financing and investment for energy projects. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), Vice Chairman of the Committee, released a concept paper which was sent to tribal leaders on September 10, 2009 to begin discussions on how to overcome these barriers. The concept paper can be obtained through the link below.

Committee staff will be holding a series of Indian energy roundtables to discuss the concept paper with tribal leaders and other stakeholders. Roundtables are planned over the next couple months for regions throughout Indian Country depending on the Committee’s legislative schedule. Please check the Committee’s website at for updated information on dates and locations. We invite you to attend these roundtables, and to provide your comments in person or in writing.

Please submit any written comments with the subject line “Energy Concept Paper” via e-mail to, or via facsimile to (202) 228-2589.

Indian Energy and Energy Efficiency Concept Paper
