Two years ago, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs began actively working to identify historic and ongoing obstacles to Indian energy development. Over this period, the Committee held two hearings, released an Indian Energy Concept Paper, and held a series of Indian Energy Roundtables throughout Indian Country. The Committee received testimony, comments, and suggestions from Indian tribes, tribal members, tribal organizations, energy industry partners, and other stakeholders.
Based on this work and the comments received, Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, is releasing a draft of a proposed Indian energy bill. The draft bill addresses obstacles to Indian energy development and promotes solutions to unlock the potential of Indian energy resources and increase energy efficiency programs in Indian Country. Indian energy development can provide jobs and long-term economic benefits sorely needed in tribal communities, and will contribute to our Nation’s domestic energy supplies. The draft bill can be obtained through the link below.
Senator Dorgan invites your comments on the draft bill. Please submit any written comments with the subject line “Discussion Draft Indian Energy Bill” via e-mail to rollie_wilson@indian.senate.gov, or via facsimile to (202) 228-258