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July 25, 2007

Indian Affairs Committee Will Consider Nomination of Dr. Grim for Second Term as Director of Indian Health Service


Chairman Byron Dorgan (D-ND) announced Tuesday the Senate Indian Affairs Committee will conduct a hearing on Thursday, July 26, to consider President Bush’s nomination of Dr. Charles W. Grim to serve a second four year term as Director of the Indian Health Service.

The hearing will begin at 9:30 AM. It will take place in Room 485 of the Russell Senate Office Building.

Grim is a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. A dentist by profession, he also holds a master’s degree in health services administration. Dr. Grim has served as the nation’s Director of Indian Health Service since August 6, 2003. He was re-nominated for a second term by President Bush on May 21.

“The question of who serves as the Director of the Indian Health Service is a vital one,” Dorgan said, “given the enormous health challenges that face the service and the native people it serves. Ensuring that the Indian Health Service’s top leadership post is filled by someone with solid credentials is an important priority, so I am pleased the committee is acting promptly to consider this nomination.
