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October 31, 2017

TOMORROW: Udall to Voice Concerns about Impact of GOP Tax Reform in Indian Country

WASHINGTON — Tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. MT / 2:30 p.m. ET, U.S. Senator Tom Udall, vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, will join Committee Chairman John Hoeven (R-N.D.) in leading an oversight hearing titled, “Building Tribal economies: Modernizing tax policies that work for Indian Country.” The hearing will address the Republican tax reform bill, which GOP leaders are expected to release on Wednesday and hope to push through Congress by Thanksgiving. 


Udall will voice his deep concerns about the tax proposal, which include the fact that the Republicans are trying to fast-track the bill without consulting with Tribes – even though the legislation could reshape the entire economy and greatly impact the stability of Tribal communities. Udall will question witnesses about how best to reduce the tax burden for working families throughout Indian Country. He opposes legislation that would cut taxes for the top 1 percent – people making at least $733,000 a year – especially when doing so could require the federal government to raise taxes on middle class and working families and/or cut funding that would prevent the federal government from fulfilling its obligation to fully fund its trust responsibilities.  


Witnesses will include:

Tom West, Tax Legislative Counsel, U.S. Department of Treasury, Washington D.C.

Liana Onnen, Chairwoman, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, Mayetta, Kan.

Carl Marrs, Chief Executive Officer, Old Harbor Native Corporation., Anchorage, Alaska

Dante Desiderio, Executive Director, Native American Finance Officers Association, Washington, D.C.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

WHAT: Udall to preside as vice chairman at Senate Committee on Indian Affairs oversight hearing on tax reform

TIME: Approximately 12:30 p.m. MT / 2:30 p.m. ET

WHERE: 628 Dirksen Senate Office Building. Watch live here.


