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August 13, 2007

U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee Will Conduct Field Hearing in Crow Agency, Montana on Indian Health Care


U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee announced Friday the committee will conduct an official field hearing at Crow Agency, Montana, Wednesday, August 15.

Dorgan said he is conducting the hearing, which will examine Indian health care issues, at the request of Montana Senator John Tester (D-MT).

The hearing will include experts on Indian health care from Montana and across the nation. Witnesses will also include Native Americans who will tell their own stories about the delivery of Indian health care on Indian reservations.

“In much of Indian Country, access to health care and the delivery of health care services can only be described as being in crisis,” Dorgan said in announcing the hearing. “The top priority of this committee is renewing and strengthening the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, which the Senate will consider, after long delay, this session.”

“I know Senator Tester shares that sense of urgency, and I thank him for inviting the committee to Montana to examine these issues as we prepare to bring this legislation before the full Senate.”

Details on the hearing follow:

WHO: U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee:
Chairman Byron Dorgan (D-ND),
Senator John Tester (D-MT).
