December 20, 2023

Schatz, Murkowski: Two Indian Affairs Bills Set To Become Law, Three More Head To House For Further Consideration

11 Total Indian Affairs Bills Passed Senate This Session Of 21 Total Passed By Committee

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i), chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), vice chairman of the Committee, released the below statements on Senate passage of H.R. 1722, the Grand Ronde Reservation Act Amendment of 2023, and H.R. 2839, a bill to amend the Siletz Reservation Act to address the hunting, fishing, trapping, and animal gathering rights of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, and for other purposes, which are set to become law, and the following bills, which head to the House for further consideration:

“These bills are an important part of the Committee’s work to address historical injustices and uphold the federal government’s trust and treaty obligations,” said Chairman Schatz. “I look forward to getting these and other Senate-passed Indian Affairs bills across the finish line.”

“From settling Indian land claims and restoring homelands to supporting self-governance and access to housing, the Committee has advanced important tribal priorities this session,” said Vice Chairman Murkowski. “I thank Chairman Schatz and my colleagues for their work on these measures and I look forward to continuing our work together next year.”

The five Indian Affairs bills join six others passed by the Senate this session, including two that became law:

